♥ Thistle – Pullip Romantic Alice Pink ver. ♥

ThistleName: Thistle
Name Origin: Prickly plants that bloom with purple flowers. The Victorians associated the meaning of “austerity” and “sternness” with thistles. Like her older sister, her namesake is a floral plant often considered a weed.
Name Pronunciation: this-uhl
Birthday: Friday, December 9, 2011
Age: 13
Sex: Female

Thistle is a rambunctious and unsophisticated young Victorian girl with a soft side for the one she loves most.

Thistle is the younger sister of my “Romantic Alice” girls. She doesn’t share her older sister’s ailments, and despite being younger she is fiercely protective and mothering of the elder. She almost seems to have two personalities–the sweet, rational, and cautious lady who dotes on and ministers to Clover, and the brash, cocky, and childish girl that everyone else deals with. Her very dearest wish is that someday Clover will be healthy.

Purchased: PullipStyle
Purchase Date: December 5, 2011
Arrival Date: December 9, 2011
Open Date: December 9, 2011

Type: Romantic Alice Pink ver.
Body Type: Pullip Type 4 (stock)
Makeup: (stock)
Aesthetics: None
Eyechips: (stock)
Wigs: (stock)

Favorite Color: Sunny sky blue
Loves: Her sister
Hates: Doctors
Hobbies: Making jam, sketching, reading medical journals, and being with her sister

Romantic Alice was the first Pullip to catch my eye when I started participating in the hobby again. When I started to see glimpses of her “other half,” Romantic Alice Pink ver., I was equally smitten. The pink variant wasn’t a strict mirrored copy of the original doll–her hairstyle and eyes are different, and there are a few details on her outfit that have been altered from those on Romantic Alice. When I spotted her, I knew I wanted her as a companion for my Romantic Alice. They just look so perfect together. The appearance of Romantic Alice Pink ver. seems more vibrant than the delicate impression of Romantic Alice, so I started forming ideas about sisters–inspired by the small story that accompanies VolksLieselotte and Charlotte.

I missed out on the first preorder for this girl, as I prefer to purchase from one domestic retailer rather than buying dolls from overseas. I thought that perhaps I’d have to track her down, but thankfully I was able to add her to my collection after the preorders were filled.

Thistle’s Pictures (on Flickr)