Tag Archives: decisions
2013 Doll Resolutions
I really failed at getting around to making resolutions this year! It’s halfway over already!
I guess that’s okay–because I haven’t made any progress on the things I initially thought I would aim towards, and I’ve changed my mind several times. Whoops. It’s been an interesting doll year so far! I’ve got quite a few things that I need to write about!
In the meantime, here are my current doll resolutions. I’m not going to bother yet with the things I might have considered and abandoned already. XD Continue reading
2012 Doll Resolutions Follow-Up
It’s that time again for doll-related goals~ I made these earlier in the year, but I hadn’t really thought about them all that much for a little bit. I tried to keep it very simple this year. There was quite a bit from last year that I just didn’t get to. It was an interesting year, though, in terms of doll purchases, arrivals, and departures. I’m looking forward to seeing how things go for 2013! Continue reading
Darn You, Majokko Shop!

Lily has a penpal–Pidge, another Dollfie Dream Ms. Mariko. Pidge’s household originally sent my household some lovely presents for Valentine’s Day when I participated in a gift swap on the Dollfie Dreams forums. (You can view the photo story here!) Pidge didn’t yet live in that household when the Valentine’s Day event happened, but neither did Lily live in mine~ Still, Littlebearries‘ Alna was such a wonderful secret Valentine that I couldn’t help but feel excited to reciprocate for White Day. (You can view her side of the story here!)
From reading Alna’s blog entry about her receipt of the White Day present, I was reminded of the existence of a certain type of 1/6-scale dolls–Pure Neemo! ♥ This wasn’t the first time I knew of or have seen these adorable dolls made by Azone, but I hadn’t thought of them in a little while. At some point during my earlier Pullip-collecting days I was tipped off to Pure Neemo. If I recall correctly, it started off with my looking at Blythes and reading about Blythe restoration, which moved to the types of bodies that Blythe collectors and enthusiasts like to choose–and the Pure Neemo body was one of those options. It’s an interesting little 1/6 body–originally the body (called “Pure Neemo Advance”) was non-jointed, put together with a peg system. The goal was to avoid unsightly joints for display or photography. They released these bodies in all sorts of poses, including a kneeling body for posing dolls sitting properly at Japanese low tables. Continue reading
Ms. Mariko No Longer
It took me a very long time to name my poor Dollfie Dream girl! I’ve been agonizing over her name for weeks now. Nothing seemed right, and I kept flip-flopping. Did I want a floral name? A Victorian name? A Japanese name? I had a whole list of suggestions, but just couldn’t make up my mind. I like to wait to name my dolls until I’ve settled on a name that I’m satisfied with, but I also don’t like leaving them unnamed. Continue reading
Dollfie Dream Ms. Mariko
In late December I was idly browsing the Volks USA website and happened to take a peek at the Doll’s Party 26 limited items. I’m not a very close follower of new doll releases, particularly because I’m so satisfied with my current dolls, but I do like to see what’s new every once in a while. I scrolled down the page idly, admiring the two new Nonos but not terribly interested in trying for one myself, and then I hit the section of the page with the Dollfie Dream releases. Continue reading
2012 Doll Resolutions
I didn’t quite get around to crossing everything off of my list of doll-related resolutions for 2012, although I feel like I made good progress. The two that I did not complete in 2011, a faceup for Mimi and a couch for the dolls, were mostly left off due to budgetary constraints. I entered the Volks lottery to purchase a new doll, Dollfie Dream Sister Ms. Mariko and thus allocated funds towards the doll purchase instead of towards a faceup and couch. (I’ll be posting about Ms. Mariko soon; I’m so very excited!) Continue reading
Update on 2011 Doll Resolutions: SHOES
I’ve been working on crossing items off my small (but respectable, I think) list of doll-related things to do this year~ There was a bit of a wrench thrown in, at least in terms of getting black shoes for my SD, but thankfully that all worked out in the end. ♥ Continue reading
2011 Doll Resolutions
I’ve set a few goals for this year that are specifically related to my dolls. There are things that I really like about my dolls, and things that really frustrate me about my dolls. I’m aiming to take care of the things that really frustrate me so that I can overall enjoy my dolls much more~ Sometimes it’s tempting to alleviate those kinds of feelings by purchasing new dolls, but that is not what I want to do. Continue reading
Leila as Lottie
I’ve been thinking a lot about Minoru World‘s “junior” dolls–particularly Leila. I think she’s utterly adorable! ♥ Continue reading