I am so very excited about Ms. Mariko~ I thought I wouldn’t hear any more news about her until mid-April, but last week I learned that the Dolpa 26 dolls were ready to ship to Kerbey Lane! I paid her remaining balance immediately, and I’ve been anxiously awaiting more information since then~ I am so thrilled to finally have her almost here.
I was lucky in another doll-related way, too~ There are some outfits from the Dolpa 26 collection that I hoped to get for my incoming Dollfie Dream. Dollfie Dream are able to wear some Super Dollfie clothing and my doll will already have an included outfit, but I wanted to get something special and just for her. I really love doll clothes, after all! Kerbey Lane offers an advance lottery for regular items, and through her I was successful in securing the Missionary High School Girl Set and the Cache-Couer Dress Set~ ♥ (Although there is one more outfit that I still want… maybe I’ll be lucky via Volks USA.)

I’m quite excited about this outfit because I really adore uniforms. When I saw some of Salica‘s posts showing photos of Ms. Mariko wearing one of the older gray school uniforms, I was smitten! I really like the collar of the blouse for this uniform and the belt-esque waist details.

This outfit is an absolute “win” in my opinion, because it was one of the first outfits that I saw Ms. Mariko modeling on the Dollfie Dream blog. It was really this redressed picture that made me see how cute the doll was, much more than her default photos in her casual professional attire. I already have an affinity for plaid and gray is one of my favourite colours; it’s the sort of dress that I’d like to wear~
Extra-exciting is the fact that these outfits will ship with my doll, so it will all arrive at once~ ♥

WM-88 from WigWing
I also have a wig waiting for her arrival~ I don’t mind her default, but I have been envisioning her with dark hair. Several weeks ago I spotted the perfect wig for her at WigWing, but I put off ordering it for a while. After staring at it dreamily for days, I finally ordered it.
I am really satisfied with WigWing, and I am already eying a few more wigs I would like to buy eventually. It took me a little while to figure out their system, as they accept English-language international orders on a message board–not via a shopping cart. Once I was registered and posted with what I wanted, however, it was easy. They responded very quickly–usually less than 24 hours–and my wig was shipped the day after I paid. Their shipping method is EMS, and the wig arrived with blazing speed!

The wig stretches funny on Mimi’s head because it’s much larger than the size for this wig, so I displayed it on her hand.
The wig itself is very soft, very full, and has a skin base at the part, which I like. The cut is just like in the pictures, too! No additional styling required. If all of their wigs are this nice, I definitely wouldn’t mind owning a few more. I think I like this wig more than the Crobidoll wigs.
I did get one other thing for Ms. Mariko–her very own Lucy Maria Misora!

Haha, that’s mostly a joke~ ♥ I did enter the lottery for Lucy, and I was successful, but I’m not in the market for another Dollfie Dream so quickly. Lucy is pretty cute, but not really to my taste. Her outfit, however… absolutely to my taste. I’m not concerned by the fact that she’s a small bust and my incoming doll is not; I’ll make it work somehow. (I’ve wanted to swap out her bust anyway.)
There’s already someone else who wants the doll very dearly, so it seems like it will work out very well between us. Just one more thing to wait for~ ♥
Also, maybe my new camera eventually. Tracking that thing down with the back order is very tough!